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Essential Principles of an Effective Injury Management System for a Startup Construction Firm

According to Safe Work Australia, the construction industry recorded 21 fatalities in 2018. Although these numbers are low, workplace injuries affect the productivity of construction firms since it leads to absenteeism of injured workers. A startup construction firm needs to put in place an effective injury management system to reduce injury-related absenteeism. With the help of a consultant, startup construction firms can attain a robust injury management system that guarantees quick recovery of injured workers. This write-up discusses the essential principles of an effective injury management system.

Incorporates an Injury Management Plan

Since injuries are a reality in the construction industry, construction firms must be proactive rather than reactive in the management of injuries that are suffered by workers. Therefore, an effective injury management system should have a comprehensive plan for managing an injured worker's condition. The program should consist of treatments and rehabilitation details as well as strategies to ensure a strong return to work. Most importantly, an injury management plan must be agreed upon by both the employer and the injured worker. Nonetheless, remember that a plan is not a substitute for treatment; instead, the plan complements treatment to ensure quick recovery of injured workers.

Fosters Early Intervention

With a booming construction industry and low employment rates, it is common for workers to fail to report injuries that are sustained in the workplace. While some of the injuries might be deemed minor, the compounding effect can make the injuries severe over time. For example, if a construction worker slips and twists their ankle but can work through the pain, they might not see the need to report the incident. However, if the worker continues to work with an injured ankle, ligaments will get weak with time and lead to a major injury. Therefore, it is vital for an effective injury management system to develop and promote a culture of early intervention. It will encourage immediate reporting of injuries thereby ensuring initial treatment and reduced complications.


Construction firms must conduct regular training with the help of a consultant to prevent and manage workplace injuries effectively. However, some factors can affect training such as time, budgetary allocation and geographical constraints. It is especially the case for construction firms that manage different projects in different locations. When preparing an effective injury management system, the consultant must consider these factors and suggest creative alternatives to training. For instance, teleconferencing with workers in different sites is a cost-effective method of training workers on injury management and prevention procedures.
